Obesity is one of the most important problems of recent years. The excessive fat that occurs with the weight gain of the body is called obesity. It has an important role in the emergence of some diseases. In its treatment, there is a physical therapy process as well as diet. Obesity is responsible for 80 percent of type 2 diabetes, 35 percent of ischemic heart disease, and 35 percent of hypertension, causing more than one million deaths each year.
Physical activity is movements that require energy expenditure. It covers a wide range from daily life activities to various sports activities. Physical activity levels are important in terms of obesity and weight loss. The main cause of obesity is excess energy intake compared to energy consumption. Diet with exercise increases fat loss and preserves lean mass. In addition, it provides regional thinning / tightening by increasing muscle strength. All programs to reduce body weight should have exercises. With exercise, significant improvements are observed in common problems in obesity such as pain, cardiovascular risks, bone mineral density, blood fat and glucose levels, and sleep quality. Therefore, even if weight loss cannot be achieved by exercise, cardiovascular and psychological risk factors can be improved. In patients who will undergo obesity surgery, the success of the operation is increased with the treatment and exercises performed before and after the operation.
The programs prepared by our Sports Physicians, one or more elements of the factors that provide physical fitness are included in the exercise prescription. Thus, the physical activities of obese individuals are planned and they are ensured to recover.